Monday Motivation

Something I recently pondered that is often quoted, “Don’t let anyone tell you who you are, show them!” While I find some truth in this statement, my experience as an educator for over 20 years has taught me that people are often unpredictable. Like the ebb and flow of the tide, their opinions shift—believing in you one moment, doubting you the next. They may love you, but that love can easily turn to disdain. Envy may drive some to mimic you, undermine you, or feign friendship, only to betray you later. Attempting to prove yourself to others can be futile, often leading to people-pleasing rather than realizing your true potential for the greater good.

Leading and living to satisfy others is limiting and unfulfilling. Instead, remember your “why.” Why do you teach? Why do you serve? What calls you to lead? Let that sense of purpose fuel your motivation. As a leader, your role is to serve by empowering others to become their best selves. Not everyone can do what you do. Think of the joy in a student’s eyes when they grasp a new concept or apply their learning in creative ways. Reflect on the child who felt seen and loved because of you, and the teachers whose pedagogical skills have grown, just as you have learned from them. Your impact resonates far beyond the present moment.

You are phenomenal, and your influence will be felt for generations. You are valued and appreciated by countless students, families, colleagues, and peers. Draw strength from the many lives you’ve touched, and take pride in turning the seemingly impossible into reality.


We are not your Superwoman