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Rhema D.

Doctoral Candidate

From my time as a student of color in both independent and public schools through my twenty years working as a teacher and administrator, I have been guided by a deep commitment to leveling the playing field and providing all children and adults with equal access to high-quality education, equity, inclusion, and belonging. I have dedicated my life to redefining what is possible for children of color by proving that, through strong instructional methods, , strong schoolwide systems, strong relationships , and a joyous culture, academic excellence can be the norm for children in underserved communities. I am a champion for equitable practices within education. In order to motivate children to move forward empowered to lead successful lives of accomplishment, engagement, and contribution, it is imperative to inspire and nurture curiosity, cultivate character, and foster intellectual leadership. As a school leader, I believe my reach and impact must be deep and far reaching and focused on relationship building. I look to collaborate with a team of dedicated faculty and staff who are mission- minded and transformationally reflective in their practice to prepare children to be transformative future leaders of the world.

Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to amplify potential, empower excellence, and revolutionize the success of female school leaders, with a special interest in women of color who will transform tomorrow through the inspired changes and revolutionary reach they sustain in the communities they serve.

We aspire to disrupt years of systemic bias and inequities by working with women and organizations to amplify the success of women in school leadership through coaching to create change.